First CONSIDER workshop -Learning from Ruhr-
The first CONSIDER workshop ‘Learning from Ruhr’ took place successfully online on the 13th and 14th of June 2022. The workshop was hosted by the Zollverein Foundation, which is a prominent member of the CONSIDER Consortium.
Ruhr region in Germany is a worldwide recognized good practice for industrial heritage sites. The workshop aimed at discussing learnings from the Ruhr region on various topics the regional transformation process, partnership, and management models, conservation of industrial buildings and materials and world heritage management. The workshop started with the below presentations by the speakers for two days under two main topics: Regional Perspective on Industrial Heritage Sites and Management and challenges of maintenance of World Heritage Sites.
- ‘Strategies of Urban Transformation and the Role of Industrial Heritage in RUHR’ by Prof. Dr. Christa Reicher (RWTH AACHEN University)
- ‘Industrial Heritage at the Ruhr Regional Association and its Network(s)’ Timo Hauge (Ruhr Regional Association)
- ‘Fighting Corrosion and Wear: The Heritage Conservation Center Ruhr (hcc.ruhr) between industrial research, conservation science and transfer’ by Prof. Dr. Roman Hillmann (Georg Agricola University of Applied Science), Katrin Liffers ( Deutsches Bergbau-Museum Bochum), Daniel Kipp and Prof. Dr. Michael Prange (Georg Agricola University of Applied Science),
- ‘Management Plans and Heritage Impact Assessments at Industrial UNESCO World Heritage Sites as Instruments to Combine Preservation, Sustainable Development and Urban (Re)Development’ Prof. Dr. Michael Kloos (RheinMain University of Applied Sciences)
Following these presentations, the CONSIDER project partners from the United Kingdom, Germany, Austria, Turkey and Israel exchanged their ideas on the challenges in the management and conservation of industrial heritage sites.