Kadir Has University is leading an international project on the preservation of industrial heritage to
encourage the exchange of knowledge, experience, and innovation. ‘Sustainable Management of Industrial Heritage as a Resource for Urban Development’ entitled CONSIDER, the project has secured a budget of almost 1.2 million Euros from the European Union Horizon 2020 RISE
Program. Universities, municipalities, city councils, conservation trusts, and heritage sites from several European and Middle Eastern countries are project partners.
CONSIDER, started in October, last four years. The project aims to research experiences gained both in the EU countries and elsewhere, developing and sharing innovative ideas for the preservation of the industrial heritage, its sustainable integration into modern urban life.
The industrial heritage of a region is an aspect of its cultural heritage and forms a part of a location’s
identity. Abandoned buildings and sites in the long run can mean irreparable loss. Preservation and
sustainable integration of the industrial heritage into modern urban life through innovative approaches aims to compensate that loss. Experiences and actual examples will be studied in a geography that extends Europe from England, Germany, Austria, Turkey, Israel and to China.
For more information:
Web site: https://considerproject.eu
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (+90) 0212 533 65 32 - (1568)
The Project Coordinator Prof.Dr. Yonca Erkan can be contacted at ([email protected]).